Take on the role of a frame engineer in game Poly Bridge, where your task will be to design and build bridgeworks capable of successfully supporting the weight of and moving them safely across different landscapes and precipices. Let’s figure out together step by step what exactly awaits you.

Together we go to the goal

To begin, select a level in play that suits your preferences from a sequential order of options. They feature diverse terrains, achievements, and progressively increasing difficulty to keep you engaged.

Carefully analyze the terrain, identifying any gaps or obstacles that need to be overcome. Pay attention to elevation changes, water bodies, and other elements that may impact the structure.

For each stage, you’ll be provided with a specific budget that must be adhered to during the construction process. Utilize the materials available in the toolbar and strategically place them to create a sturdy structure. Effective budget management and selecting the appropriate materials are crucial factors in your success.

After building your, it’s time to test its stability. Initiate the simulation by pressing the “Play” button and observe the vehicles as they traverse the bridge. If this collapses or the vehicles fail to reach the other side, it’s necessary to reinforce weak points and critical areas.

This can be achieved by adding additional supports, adjusting beam angles, or incorporating triangles for enhanced stability. Always consider the weight and load!

As you progress further in the game, you’ll encounter additional components such as hydraulics, counterweights, and roadblocks. These elements can be integrated into your designs to provide extra functionality or cater to specific requirements.

Go ahead and share it

Once your bridgework has successfully secured the safe passage of technical devices without any damage, you are able to consider it complete. Celebrate this achievement and move on to the next level, where your engineering skills are waiting for new obstacles and challenges.

Plus, the Poly Bridge game lets you showcase your creations. Share your impressive ideas by uploading blueprints for others to test and admire. Similarly, scoop other users for inspiration or learn from their innovative approaches. Take the opportunity to develop your skills and gain incredible experience. Continue on your path to becoming a master of your craft!

Poly Bridge